SOCRATES Come on, then, tell me what you think of this 47b other sort of thing I used to say: 10 if a man is in training, when he’s actually training does he pay attention to just anybody’s opinion, whether it’s praise or criticism, or only to one person’s – the person who’s actually a doctor or a trainer? CRITO Only the one person’s. SOCRATES So this man in training should fear the criticisms and welcome the praise that come from this one individual, not those that come from ordinary people. CRITO Clearly so. SOCRATES In that case he should act and train, and eat and drink, in the way the one individual thinks he should, the one in charge of him who has the specialist knowledge, rather than in the way all the others think he should. CRITO That’s so. 47c SOCRATES Fine. And if he disobeys the one individual and, instead of respecting his opinion and what he picks out for praise, pays respect to the praise of ordinary people, who have none of the requisite knowledge, will that not have a bad effect on him? CRITO Of course. SOCRATES What is this bad effect, and where is it felt? In which part of the person who’s disobeying? CRITO In his body, clearly; this is what it destroys. SOCRATES You’re right. So, Crito, is it like this in other cases too (so that we don’t have to go through them all), and especially in the case of the just and the unjust, the shameful and the fine, the good and the bad, the very things we’re deliberating 47d about now – is it the opinion of ordinary people that we should follow, and fear, or that of the one specialist, if anyone with that kind of knowledge exists? Is he the one who should make us ashamed, and the one we should fear, rather than all the rest? Is he the one we need to follow – because if we don’t, we’ll corrupt and maim the part that is improved by justice and destroyed by injustice? 11 Or is this nonsense?
Plato. The Last Days of Socrates (Penguin Classics) (Kindle Locations 1857-1868). Penguin Books Ltd. Kindle Edition.
Plato. The Last Days of Socrates (Penguin Classics) (Kindle Locations 1847-1857). Penguin Books Ltd. Kindle Edition.