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Q & A about Time

2019. 8. 19. 20:35 | Posted by 한스잉글리시













































보호되어 있는 글입니다.
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.

중2 수동태 기본

2019. 3. 26. 17:45 | Posted by 한스잉글리시

동아 김성곤 중3 1과 문법 설명

2019. 3. 11. 20:31 | Posted by 한스잉글리시

문장의 구성요소와 5형식

2019. 3. 5. 18:59 | Posted by 한스잉글리시

남산중학교 2학년 7과, 8과 문법 설명

2018. 11. 20. 18:04 | Posted by 한스잉글리시

7과 문법 설명

8과 문법 설명 1

8과 문법 설명 2

부가의문문(be동사, 일반동사)

2018. 11. 13. 19:52 | Posted by 한스잉글리시

1.    부가의문문의 뜻

가)    부가


나)    의문문


     be 동사

l Be + S ?

l () + be + S ?


l   + S + V ?

l () + S + V ?

2.    be동사

가)    He is Tom.

나)    He isn't Tom.

다)    Is he Tom?

     Yes, he is (Tom).

     No, he isn't (Tom).

라)    Isn't he Tom?

     Yes, he is (Tom).

     No, he isn't (Tom).

마)    He is Tom, isn't he?

     Yes, he is (Tom).

     No, he isn't (Tom).

바)    He isn't Tom, is he?

     Yes, he is (Tom).

     No, he isn't (Tom).

3.    일반동사

가)    He goes to school.

나)    He doesn't go to school.

다)    Does he go to school?

     Yes, he does.

     No, he doesn't.

라)    Doesn't he go to school?

     Yes, he does.

     No, he doesn't.

마)    He goes to school, doesn't he?

     Yes, he does.

     No, he doesn't.

바)    He doesn't go to school, does he?

     Yes, he does.

     No, he doesn't.

each every 부정사의 명사적 용법

2018. 10. 26. 19:36 | Posted by 한스잉글리시

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