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한글을 영어로 "한스잉글리시"


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Lesson 13 Let's Play Soccer

2018. 11. 19. 15:51 | Posted by 한스잉글리시

Let's play soccer.

Let's not play soccer.(Don't let's play soccer.)

Sure. Sounds good. OK.

I'm sorry, I can't.

I'm sick.

I'm tired.

I have to study.

'학교 내신 > 초등 4학년' 카테고리의 다른 글

Lesson 11 It's Tuesday  (0) 2018.11.19
Lesson 12 What Do You Want?  (0) 2018.11.19
Lesson 14 How Much Is It  (0) 2018.11.19
Lesson 15 I Watched TV Yesterday  (0) 2018.11.19
4학년 1과  (0) 2018.06.21