중1 동아출판 윤정미 1과 정리
1. 단어
2. 1. 문법 설명- be동사, 일반동사의 긍정 부정 의문문 만들기
2. 2. 주어 3인칭 단수, 동사 현재형에 (e)s 붙이기
*문법중 많이 틀린 문제들입니다. ^^
*중1 동아출판 11페이지 3번
* 중1 동아출판 11페이지 4번
3. 본문해석
I am Song Hanjun.
This is my heart map.
It shows my favorite people and things.
My best friend is Kim Jinsu.
We are very different.
I like music, but Jinsu likes sports.
I don’t like animals, but Jinsu loves them.
It’s not a problem.
We are good friends.
Rap Musiic
I love rap music.
I am a member of A-Yo.
It is the school’s rap music club.
We write rap songs together and post them on our blog.
We have many fans.
My favorite food is spaghetti.
My little sister Sumi loves it, too.
Dad cooks it for us on Sundays.
He isn’t a great cook, but we like his spaghetti.