[Kids] No 801 National - The Beginning of the Year 2018
Watch, read the article and write it in two times in English and one time in Korean.
The Beginning of the Year 2018
Happy New Year to all!
The year 2018 is also called "Musulnyeon."
It is the Year of the Dog.
This year is a big year for Korean athletes.
In February, the 2018 Winter Olympics
will be held in PyeongChang.
It is the second Olympic Games to be hosted in Korea
since the 1988 Summer Olympics.
In June, the 2018 FIFA World Cup will be held in Russia.
The South Korean national team will face Germany, Sweden,
and Mexico in Group F of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
The upcoming matches
may be challenging to the country's football team,
but fans hope the Korean footballers will play well.
2018년의 시작
모두들 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
2018년은 무술년이라고도 한다.
개의 해이다.
올해는 한국 운동선수들에게 중요한 해이다.
2월에 2018 동계올림픽이
평창에서 열리게 된다.
그것은 1988 하계올림픽 이래로
한국에서 열리는 두 번째 올림픽이다.
6월에 2018 피파 월드컵이
러시아에서 열리게 된다.
한국 국가대표팀은 2018 피파 월드컵의 F조에서 독일, 스웨덴,
그리고 멕시코를 상대하게 된다.
다가오는 경기들은
국가 대표 축구팀에게 힘겨울 수 있지만,
팬들은 한국 축구선수들이 잘 싸우기를 희망한다.
1) Beginning : 시작
2) host : 개최하다
3) face : 직면하다
4) upcoming : 다가오는
5) challenging : 도전적인
6) footballer : 축구선수
Answer the questions below.
1. Hello, everyone to read the article, do you know what year it is.
2. Is it called another name?
3. What is this year also called?
4. In what month will the 2018 Winter Olympics be held?
5. Where will the games be held?
6. Is it the first or the second time to be held the games?
7. When and where was the first Olympics hosted?
8. In June in 2018, what world game will be held and where will it be hosted?
9. Which teams will our national team face in the games?
10. Can you write your plans in the year? (more than 200 words)